Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Low Productivity... no, no, this one is too random but I want to show you the note I made for Marc and Bonnie! ♥

Damn damn damn I really really hate for not havin internet connection at home anymore. My productivity on blogging is daaaamn looooww this month!!!! And say hell thanks to my ability, another special ability to forget things so damn easily. Actually I have lots stuffs to be written but I dunno why they seem to be disappear anytime I'm online and writing on this blog.
Maybe I have to fix this one and write anything that suddenly 'POP' in my head on my Gemma -____-

And that Maling is still mysterious. Hell, I wanna kill him/her soon! LOL

Aaaahhh I dont know what I should write here anymore. Btw I need to make something for video project of Marc-Bonnie wedding. Since I cant make a looong vid (only 10-15secs :\), maybe I'll make a messy note for him. I'll put in the blog later when I'm done. I promise! :D

Buh byeeeeee :3

Well, you DONT need to wait a loooong time to see my message for Marc and Bonnie ♥
Just to warn you, pleaseeee dont call this silly. This is the best I can do since I cant make a looong vid :P

Sunday, July 25, 2010

It Might Sound Weird, but I Love That Day :)

Baru beberapa hari saya memulai lagi bisnis pulsa, saya ketipu oleh nomer 085266173249.

Kejadiannya, kemarin hari Jumat 23 Juli 2010, nomor itu mengaku kalau dia adalah Grace dengan nomor baru. Dia minta pulsa 25 ribu, lalu 100 ribu untuk mamanya. Aku bilang aku cuman ada 50ribu, jadilah aku ngirim pulsa ke nomer itu sejumlah 25ribu dan 50ribu. Sebenernya dia masih minta 50ribu dan 10ribu lagi tapi karena dalam satu hari hanya bisa melakukan maksimal dua kali transaksi ke nomor yang sama, aku nggak menyanggupi.

Si "Grace" itu janji mau bayar keesokan harinya, Sabtu 24 Juli 2010, pukul 10 pagi di selasar. Dan pada hari itu, nomor itu nggak bisa dihubungin. Iseng-iseng aku coba nelfon nomer Grace yang M3 yang ternyata masih aktif. Aku sms ke dia "Grace, kapan bayar pulsa?"
Sekitar 2 jam kemudia, Grace bales "Kin, pulsa apa?"


Setelah aku ngasih nomer itu, Grace ngasih tau aku kalauy kemarin-kemarinnya nomer itu sms Grace dan temen-temennya ngaku jadi Arham, Imel, dan Grace. Lewat Twitter, Arham membenarkan informasi ini. Lewat sms pun Imel bilang kalo nomer itu minta pulsa ke dia dengan mengaku sebagai aku.

Dito, melalui temen kakaknya yag kerja di telkomsel, mencoba melacak posisi nomer tersebut. Sampai tadi siang, nomer itu masih berada di tempat yang sama: Pogung Baru.

Setelah sadar kalau aku udah ditipu, aku sms nomer itu:

"Aku nggak peduli kmu siapam kamu mau jujur apa engga. Tapi yang jelas Tuhan itu ada dan perbuatan pasti ada balesannya. Semoga kamu cepet sadar dan nggak nipu orang lagi"

Gue baik banget kaaaaannn, udah ditipu malah ngedoain dia yang baik-baik LOL

Curiganya nih, kayaknya anak angkatanku juga pelakunya karena dia tau kalau aku, Imel, Arham, dan Grace saling kenal. Tapi ngga tau deh, sebodo. Dan siang tadi aku nelfon dia lagi, TUMBENNYA diangkata walaupun si maling diem aja. Cuman sayup-sayup ada suara cewek gituuuu.

Tapi nggak tau kenapa yaaa, kemaren aku tau aku ditipu tapi aku nggak sedih-sedih amat. Sebel sihh masih dipendem. Aku kan pemaaf tapi bukan pelupa HAHAHA awas aja kalo aku sampe tau siapa orangnya. Tenang, Ling (singkatan dari Maling). Aku nggak bakal ngapa-ngapain kamu kok. Jadi ngaku aja, nagih duit juga nggak akan aku lakuin kok. Tapi ati-ati sama Esti yaaaa xD

Herannya, aku malah seneng banget malem minggu tadi malem. Seneng, karena BBMan sama Mbak Indah dan Manda bareng-bareng bikin conference, bikin aku ketawa ngakak nggak abis-abis hihihihi Mulai dari ngamuk-ngamukin si Fake Blue dan ngomongin makanan. Aaaahhh siapa yang peduli sama si maling kalo aku punya temen-temen kayak mereka? :D

Lagipula, setelah keilangan pulsa gitu, aku dapet tawaran buat ngelesin privat anak SMP dengan bayaran 120ribu/bulan :)
Kalo caranya jujur, pasti apa yang ilang dibalikin lagi dengan cara yang nggak terduga. Plus-plus pula :)

Emang susah sihh kalo niat baikku buat ngebantu si Maling yang kayaknya butuh banget sama pulsa. Btw, terakhir tadi Dzuhur aku sms dia: "Adzan woy, sholat biar tobat xD"
Wakakakakakakkk I'm truly an angel (with another side of Devil LOL).

Smell ya later

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Gettin Alone :)

Ohmygod ohmygod ohmygooooooood...
Well, bad news, my internet connection had said buh-bye to me ;(
But thanks God, I've got some new gadgets as replace :D

Btw it's been a very-very-veryyyy loooong time I didnt have no my own quality time. My activities and especially bein less-money is the biggest reason :P
And I dunno why, this week, it seems like I have much. Though it's only few hours, but that's quite enuff for me. Like now, I'm alone at Tamansari wif my netbook, Cero, nd my gadget, Gemma, enjoying Tamansari's special orange (fresh and tastyyyyyy ♥), and blogging. I hope Dito and Ira will come a lil bit late (but please not very very late!) ;P

I've just done my accounting midtest for SP. The fastest accounting exam I've done so far... ONLY THIRTY MINUTES!! OhmyGooooood I hope the result will be okay and GREAAAAT \:D/
And talkin about result... well, I got 3.56 so far for this semester for 7 subjects. I hope SosPol and Management result will appear soon CUZ I'M DYIN TO SEE MY COMPLETE RESUUUUULT!!
Especially this is my first cum laude ;)


See ya later!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

New Obsession... and B'day Wishlist ♥

His name is Niclass Heimann, a young Chelsea goallie.

And... talkin about my b'day wishlist (two month to go!), I just want a thing:

FTSK concert tix in September 23rd. 2010

Or my birth month is gonna be the worst ever! x)
And maybe... a laptop for me LOL
Thanks to my friend, Amanda Amelia for tellin me about Niclass' Facebook account.
And Harie, sorry. I'm NOT writing about youuuuu :PP

See ya!

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Here They Go to Final...

Here the teams who will fight for World Cup trophy on final...


Hopefully the game is goin to be soooo exciting and impressive. And a chance for Torres to finally score a goal in World Cup 2010? Hahaha, perhaps ;)

I wont say anything about Spain's victory over Germany last nite. The final result is clear, Spain finally could taste their first World Cup final, and no more becomin a victim of any conspiracy. They did it, they proved it :D

Well, actually what makes me feel so disappoint is reaction from few Germany fans on my Twitter timeline. We should be wise on facing loses, as wise as we face our winnings. Just remember: real supporters never stop believeing, in good times or bad times. So, for any biatch who support Germany for any stupid reason, just shut the fvckin up! Your reasons are inlogic and please, dont ever call yourself as a fan of Germany. Please, please, please, just dont do it. That's soooo irritating!

Oh and by the way, I think I'll have my internat back this weekend! Uuuuhh, I just cant wait! :D

See ya,

Sunday, July 4, 2010

It's July! :)

I am soo surprised knowing THIS IS JULY!!
This means that... I've been in university for A YEAR! Well, I know it's still one year, cuz I'm still havin two-and-a-half or three years more to be graduated, but still THIS IS SURPRISING ME!

I'm still remember how I was soooo lazy to be in college. University life is totally different than high-school life. I had moreeeeeee things to do, to be learnt, and MY BOOKS ARE SOOOO DAAAAAMN THICK!! While I just needed to spend two or three caps every semester, no I have to spend EIGHT TO TEN CHAPS PER SEMESTER!! -____-"

But now, I'm gettin used to this kind of life. Gettin older, havin more responsibility. And this is for a life I want, makin my dreams come true :)

Okay. Lasr week I watched this movie:

Please, dont call me 'ababil' or somewhat. I watched it with Praend, Ghora, and Lynda. Praend and Ghora were who bought the tickets via my friend, Cahyo. The fact is we sould watch Knight and Day but Cahyo probably didn't hear Ghora so he thought we wanted to watch Twilight.
So, I call this Accidentally Eclipse xD

But that was quite fun. No, not about the movie. But the way we enjoyed the movie... that was fun!
Just imagine... two single boys, two single girls, were in a movie like Eclipse. Lots of kisses, lots of romantic scenes between Bella and Edward. And at last, we counted how many kissing scenes happen in the movie LOL

Some result of this semester had been published. They were Kewarganegaraan (Citizenship) and Business Law. I got B for KWN (as I predicted since the begining of this semester LOL) and A for Business Law. The las one was surprising. I never listened to the lecturer and study only on exams. OhmyGod.
I hope for other subjects (which I am sooo serious on :P), I'll get a good result too, though I'm kinda pessimist on Statistic -____-"

THEN MY INTERNET IS DEAD!! That's the reason why I cant be online oftenly or posting on blog eventhough I had LOTS stuffs to be written :S
Hopefully I'll have my internet back this week so I can upload some pics (especially my photos with Big Zakumi cuz I wanna shour: Hey, mines is bigger than yours LOL) and a video of Naruto dancin Super Junior's Sorry Sorry for my friend, Sora :D

And last, I am soooo happy knowing there are some people reading my blog! See the counter from day to day!! :D

Smell ya later,